Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I guess he's a Boob Man

If you had asked me 13 months ago how long I planned to nurse Noah, I would have said "I hope to make it to a year, but then we'll be done."  Shoot, if you asked me 3 months ago I would have said the same thing.  And here we are, at 13 months, still going strong. 

It's a conundrum.  I know it's good for him... if I am being honest, I know it is best for him.  The research is there.  He isn't drinking whole milk because of some suspected allergies, and there really just isn't a replacement for a whole milk...  Except breast milk.  The World Health Organization's official recommendation is to breast feed until your child is at least 2 years old.  Breast milk coming from a mother who  has been lactating for over a year has significantly increased fat and energy contents (probably good for my lil' energizer bunny!)  Nursing toddlers (I just realize Noah now fits into that category.... ahhh!) have fewer illnesses and illnesses of shorter duration than their non nursing counterparts.  I could go on and on of the benefits for Noah... not to mention, the benefits for me.

But on the other hand, I miss my body being MINE!  Because, let's face it, nursing is kind of a mutual understanding between mom and child that her boob is just as much theirs as it is hers.  I miss being able to have more than a glass of wine and not having to worry about how long I need to wait before nursing.  I look forward to the day when anyone can put Noah to bed without having to worry about having pumped milk in the freezer.  I think about all of this, and then I stop, dead in my tracks.  All of those reasons are about ME.  Selfish, much?!

A week ago, Noah didn't nurse for an entire day.  I was convinced that he was weaning himself.  I was sorta kinda crushed.  I kept thinking about how I was going to miss the snuggle time, getting to sit down for a few minutes, and the sweet moments of getting to just stare at eachother.  I realized that I have a life time for my body to be mine again... to get to drink as much wine and cofffee as I want whenever I want... But the days I have nursing Noah are limited.  I need to love the time and embrace the season.

It baffles me that I am one of those women who has a nursing toddler.  But I am.  And I love it.  I promise I wont start wearing hemp skirts or growing my own kefir on my kitchen counter, though. 

~The Grant Gang

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for continuing to nurse! My mother nursed me until I was 18 months! I have friends who nurse their kiddos for a couple of months after their first birthday. It is the best milk for your kiddo so if you can do it for a little while longer, then that's awesome!
    I had to wean Gavin off at 11 months because my body just wasn't producing very much anymore to keep up with him. I remember the last couple of feedings...they were very sad. I miss the cuddling and snuggling and the cute little noises they make while they eat. :(
