Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Status Updates = Blog

I've realized that I am fairly good about posting little facebook updates (likely because it is easier to post to facebook than it is blogger), so in an effort to catch up and document for posterity sake, I am going to do a month in Noah-related status updates!

February 9: "Made momma's heart happy! I used to spend entire summers trying to teach 5+ yr old kids to blow bubbles, and he decides to just teach himself in the bathtub!" 

February 10: "When Noah signs please, he always flashes the biggest grin. Charmer, much?!"

February 12: "Just watched Micah put Noah in time out.... And he couldn't keep a straight face. Softy!!!"

February 16: "There are very few things better for the soul than an afternoon at the park on an uncharacteristically warm day."

February 21: "If Noah understood bribes, I'd totally bribe him right now. Sleep, child... Sleep!"

February 22: "I'm not sure what this says about him, but the two most recent toys Noah has fallen asleep with are a metal faucet splitter and a non working flashlight."

February 25: "How does a 15 month old become SO absurdly funny so quickly?!"

February 26: "Trying to figure out... When is my day off?"

February 26: "My favorite time of the day... Daddy/Noah playtime!"

March 1: "My child has not been this still since... He was in the womb? Here's to hoping that cuddles and cat naps fix it all."

March 2: "Has my energizer bunny back. Wonder how long it'll take to miss the cuddles?"

March 2: "My not even 16 month old child just climbed out of his crib. His crib that is lowered as far as it can be lowered. NOW what do we do!?"

March 7: "I love you Noah, I really do. But this 5:45am crap? It's gotta stop. Stat."

March 7: "After whining about Noah's early wake ups, I realize he is cutting all four incisors. #motherhoodfail"

March 8: "Has spent the last 30 minutes sitting at the front door with N watching construction trucks go by. I love little boys!"

March 8: "Noah's current favorite car toy: a musical valentine that has been ripped to shreds, but still plays "who let them dogs out?!""

March 10: "Nothin' like an 8am dance party with N to start out the day!"

Next post I will do a month in iPhone picture updates :-)

~The Grant Gang

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