Friday, August 5, 2011

Yikes! It's been a long time...

I have had quite a bit of time lately to blog, but haven't... because I don't know where to begin!  My last blog post was over two months ago, and even then there were things I had not posted.  Eeek!   So, for now, I am just going to start where we are.  I'll do some out of order posts when I get pictures loaded (our desktop has been out of commission for a while because we relocated our office area to the kitchen... more on that later), but for now I'll just blog about life as it is :-)

For the past 5 weeks I have been on some form of bed rest due to early labor junk.  Lots of discomfort and lots of contractions are not welcomed at 30 weeks pregnant!  It's been a huge, huge lesson in life for me... how to slow down, how to ask for help and in turn let people help me, and how stinkin' grateful I am for the friends and family who have offered (without ever being asked, because I suck at that!) to help.  From watching and playing with Noah (who thinks this whole bedrest thing is AWESOME because he gets to go on a new adventure pretty much every day) to bringing us food to offering to run errands for us... we would be in a world of hurt without all the help.  It has amazed me how awesome Micah has been through all of this... talk about a man who can do it all!  He has kept the house looking tidy, done the laundry, played mom AND dad, and worked a full time job.  Despite his new nickname for me ("Master"),  he has done all of this graciously, never making me feel bad.  I am sure he will be SO thankful when he is relieved of all of his extra duties!!

We have made quite a bit of progress in the past few weeks with baby girl's nursery, and I actually have all of her clothes washed and hung.  I've completed a few craft projects for the room, too!  It's amazing what can be accomplished when you are stuck in bed :-)

Next week I will be 36 weeks, which is the official "safe" time for Ruthie Grayce to make her arrival... so at that point I will be sprung and will just do as much as I am capable of doing.  I am SO looking forward to spending some time with my little man, enjoying the last few weeks of our time together as partners in crime.  Prayers are appreciated for her to stay put for several more weeks even though it is "safe" for her to come!!
~The Grant Gang


  1. Tell me what you're craving...or need and I'll do my best to make it happen. I go back to work week after I still have a little time. :)

  2. Oh man Krista, what a test huh?!? I really can't imagine. Hang in there, it sounds like the finish line is in sight:) Can't wait to see your new little addition.
