Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm alive! (and actually feel human again)

Quite clearly I have been MIA... you can thank Fuzzy for that.  I haven't exactly felt human for the past 10 weeks or so. I made it to week 5 of pregnancy without any issues (a whole whoppin' week! pretty impressive!) and then it all hit me.  After sleeping for 10 hours at night I would wake up feeling like I had not slept in 48 hours.  I was having to eat every 2 hours on. the. dot. to minimize the nausea, and then the food only sometimes stayed down.  Oh, first trimester pregnancy, how I love you.  I am not sure if it is easier or harder with a little energizer bunny active toddler running around everywhere.  On one hand, all I wanted to do was pull the covers over my head and wake up somewhere around week 14 of pregnancy.  On the other hand, that little active toddler forced me to be up and moving around, which made those 14 weeks go by pretty dang fast (maybe not for my sweet hubby who had to cook his own dinner every night because I could not stand looking at anything that was not a carb).

Somehow, I made to the other side and finally feel like a functioning human again.  I can't remember a time that I have appreciated energy as much as I do today!  If this pregnancy is anything like Noah's, I should be good to go till it's the day for us to welcome Fuzzy into the world... which I am really looking forward to!  Here's to a healthy, happy, full of energy 25 (+/- 2) weeks of blissful pregnancy!

~The Grant Gang

1 comment:

  1. yea for feeling good again! I can't wait to get to that point as well!
